CS 373 Spring 2021 (Week 10): Prateeka Kodali

Prateeka Kodali
2 min readApr 12, 2021

What did you do this past week?

This past week I met up with my group members a couple of times to discuss and work on Phase 3. I also had some other assignments and quizzes for other classes. Since the deadline for Phase 3 got extended my group and I have been working on the project a little bit more leisurely.

What’s in your way?

Currently, I have the third phase which still needs to be done. Apart from that, I have another programming assignment for a different class and a few assignments during the week. Currently, my group and I have most of the filtering and sorting figured out. So this week, we plan to spend time on searching and adding more tests.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I plan to meet up with my group to discuss the fourth phase and the requirements for that. In addition, based on the feedback we receive from the third phase, we will continue to make any necessary corrections and/or modifications to our website.

If you read it, what did you think of the Why getter and setter methods are evil?

I thought it was an interesting read. I have been taught to use getter and setter methods back in introductory CS classes because it was a way of grabbing and changing data that was normally stored as private instance variables. After reading it, I can definitely see why it is considered “evil”.

What was your experience of select, project, cross join and theta join?

I thought they were a little bit confusing at first because I never worked with relational algebra. But after Dr. Downing went through the different examples, and working through the exercises with other classmates, I think I have a better grasp of them.

What made you happy this week?

This week I got to meet up with my dad and go around Austin for some time. I also got to go on a couple of bike rides during the week and enjoy the bright and sunny weather.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip-of-the-week is to check out some of the project repositories from previous semesters. I know many groups might have been already doing this but it was really helpful to have access to these repos to see how one could approach learning about a feature. They came in handy for me when trying to figure out the frontend and backend tests.

